Mahfujur Rahamn
2 min readApr 21, 2021

Prayer Of Taraweeh Is Farz?

In the month of Ramadan, the 20 Rakat prayers are performed in 10 salam after four rak'ats of fard and two rak'ats of Sunnat, and two rak'ats before the Vitr prayers are called 'Tarabi Namaz'. The root metal of the Arabic word ‘tarawih is ‘rahatun’ meaning to rest or rest. Tarabi is the name given to a little sitting for two rak'ats or four rak'ats in a row while performing Tarabi prayers. This prayer is called ‘Salatut Tarabih’ or Tarabi prayers as one has to sit and rest and recite Doa and Tasbeeh every two rak’ats, especially after every four rak’ats, to alleviate the hard work of long prayers.

It is Sunnah Mu'akkadah to perform Tarabi prayers in the congregation for the month of Ramadan and to recite the entire Qur'an once. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) himself recited the Taraaweeh prayers and ordered the Sahaabah to recite it. It is more rewarding to perform Tarabi prayers with the congregation and to finish the Qur'an. However, even if one performs Surah-Qiraat at home, one gets thawab. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not specify a specific time of night for Taraaweeh prayers. However, the Tarabi prayers must be performed in the morning after the Esha prayers and in the morning before Sadiq.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite Taraaweeh at the end of the night and rest at the beginning of the night. He sometimes performed eight rak'ats, sometimes 18 rak'ats, and sometimes 20 rak'ats of Tarabi prayers. But for special reasons, he did not read 20 rak'ats regularly. Because, if he does any work regularly, it becomes obligatory and essential for the Ummah. Due to this compassionate vision, he did not allow Tarabi Jamaat to be full of 20 rak'ats during his tenure. Due to which Salatut Tarabeeh is Sunnah, not obligatory; However, circumcision is muakkada or emergency circumcision. It has been narrated from Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) in the document Sahih Hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to perform 20 rakyats Tarabi prayers without congregation (alone) in the month of Ramadaan, then he would offer Vitr prayers. (Bayhaqi) )

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